Thursday, April 26, 2012

Denmark - our favouritest place on earth!

we escaped for a few days to our favouritest (!) place. 
warm enough for a dip in the magical Greens Pool
hiked trails
toasted marshmallows in front of a big fire
ate farm fresh cheese
ate sticky, fresh toffee
picked the last of the season's raspberries
witnessed the birth of triplet goats!
caught up with old friends
can't wait till we return again

Sweet Sounds

i'd like to introduce you to my latest crush
this is Mike Rosenberg 
he performs under the name of "Passenger'
i. just. love. his. music - *sigh*
what are YOU listening to?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Turkish Delights...

A few months back, I created a turkish delight ice-cream for our Cooking Club as I was on Dessert Duty and it was a hit! 
One of my all-time-classic flavourings is rose water, I love it in everything really. 
An ice cream churn / maker is ideal but if you don't have one you can just take it out of the freezer to break up a couple of times. 
I really do hope you try it, you will not regret it.

Turkish Delight Ice Cream

800ml pouring cream
200ml milk (I used full cream)
125gms strawberries, hulled and coarsely crushed
6 egg yolks
170gms caster sugar
2-3 tsp rosewater (Think I may have splashed in a little more!)
80gms turkish delight (about 3 pieces), diced.


1. Bring cream, milk and strawberries just to the simmer over a medium heat in a large saucepan.  

2. Whisk egg yolks, sugar and rosewater in a heatproof bowl until thick and pale, add cream mixture, whisk to combine. 

3.  Return pan to heat, stirring continuously until mixture coats the back of a wooden spoon thickly (3-4 mins), strain into a bowl over ice. Refrigerate until chilled.

4. Freeze in an ice cream machine according to manufacturer's directions, the n fold in the diced turkish delight and freeze until required. Makes about 1.5 litres.

Try it for your next dinner party finale, served with chopped pistachios for a WOW ending!