Sunday, July 27, 2014

running man...

this acknowledgment is long overdue

paul completed an EPIC running event a couple of months back
i'm still marvelling at the feat
(and in his typically humble way, he is quick to brush it off-as if it never happened)

months of preparation
resistance training
strength work
endurance exercises 
trialling different types of fuel; last year what he had made him physically ill
positivity in abundance

:: 100 kilometres ::

he came in to each checkpoint smiling
he looked fresh and excited

eleven hours of continuous running
right at the end he missed a turn and inadvertently added a few extra km's
but he came through the finish line grinning like the cheshire cat

i think you might call that a good day at the office


Saturday, May 24, 2014

eats, shoots, leaves...

i like to eat and
i love to cook

if i make something that looks any good
i might even take a snap of it
just in case i never make it again
(i have a knack for picking ridiculously time consuming things to make)
which means i might also take the time to make it look a bit restaurant-y
and looking like its come off one of those posh foodie magazines.

in the messy muddle of motherhood
these passions were silenced

i used to think my interests had to wait
but now i feel differently
if i lose myself and forget those things which drive my creativity
then i am just a shell of who i am


i took a small step towards re-igniting those fires.

thanks to the secret cake club and peggy saas
i went along to a workshop
to show me how to take mouthwatering photos of my culinary creations

i also tried my hand at a spot of cake decorating
not my forte
but i just enjoy having a crack at it
and meeting the lovely megan henry of littlesweet baking at last 

t'was a ruffle cake - three layers of old-school, moist and unctuous chocolate cake
sandwiched between layers of, and smothered in lovely (hers, not mine) ruffles of italian meringue buttercream

i watched megan carefully
confidently creating from the simplest of ingredients
for three hours all i had to think about were piping bags, spatulas, sugar and cake

i was clumsy
i was impatient 
and i was sweating
(because I just wanted to eat the damn thing)
i took a couple of requisite photos - just to prove i did actually do it

all i need to say is that
it was sublime

whats been cooking in YOUR kitchen?

Sunday, March 16, 2014

slugs and snails and puppy dog's tails...

our middle child and only boy
was born seven years ago today.

clever, kind, generous and popular
rambunctious, argumentative, mischievous and stubborn
all rolled into one

a fan of cars, butter chicken, maths and his new little sister
an elfin lad who isn't the quickest, or strongest 
but makes up for it with a bountiful supply of energy and endurance

happy birthday, seanie.
if the next seven years are anything like the last
we should be so lucky.


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

blink of an eye...


six months.

slow down will you?

it seems as though you are growing up too quickly already


i still marvel at the lovely creature you are
with eyes that look like the sun rising over the horizon

the button nose
the impish smile that looks a lot like mine when i was your age

you're eating real food now
and loving it

you sat up on your own a few days ago
and changed your perspective of the world

i know the next new trick isn't far off
and i can't wait

love you long time, ivy moo


Sunday, February 16, 2014

five months on...

time is an abstract notion when you spend all your days 
loving and snuggling with your baby
she's been with us five months
but sometimes it feels as though she has always been here

i love the soft bit at the back of her neck 
the little cupid's bow lips
those big, shining eyes

she is placid, content and sweet
and she has bewitched us all


Saturday, February 15, 2014



these two have something very special
 a unique closeness and affinity
it is magical
and almost tangible
