Friday, September 21, 2012

i feel it in my fingers, i feel it in my toes...

i finally found a RARE photo
from when we first met
all those years ago
wasn't he handsome?


i was 21
he was a worldly (to me) 28

softly spoken
did i mention handsome?

i knew he was husband material 
about two minutes after we first met
(i don't know why it took so long)
he was washing dishes, vacuuming and reading a bedtime story
to my friend's young daughter

for him it may have been when i used to turn up in
 fluffy, cow-shaped slippers...
late at night...bearing ice cream...
offering to spare him of the agony of two-fingered keyboard poking
with my speedier typing of his uni assignments

i remember moving in together just weeks after we started dating
it never felt crazy or impulsive
there was simply no other way to be...
except together

that was sixteen years ago
 and today marks the day we sealed the deal
on 22 September 2001

since then its been a wondrous, beautiful journey
travelled together
made lovelier, livelier and louder now
with the addition of two cute and crazy little people

let the magic continue...

happy anniversary, my darling

yours forever


Monday, September 17, 2012

ode to tom...

brother to 14 
father of 5
grandfather to kate, thomas, emily, megan, lily, ben and sean
friend to countless others
and the love of nancy's life

we are all going to miss you
a hole in our hearts 
a void in our lives
now filled with cherished memories

the big laugh
the impish smile
that twinkle in his eye as he told another one of his jokes

love always, and rest in eternal peace

Thomas Joyce
6 .6. 1942 - 17.9.2012

Monday, September 10, 2012


its taken us seven months
to finally get around to 
re-painting and repairing the lounge room at the front
completing its conversion into our new
master bedroom

there was much sanding::spak-filling::plastering::painting::polishing::varnishing

the dust is still settling

the top photos are the walk-in wardrobe, waiting to be fitted out.
 the maroon and yellow HAD TO GO
now its clean, crisp and waiting to be prettied up

i assembled the bed myself today too
i am not the most efficient and skilled at DIY projects
but somehow
with determination
fuelled by the imminent return of my love
who has been away visiting his family in ireland for two weeks
i did it

my hands look like those of a labourer
cuts, broken nails
roughened skin
but it feels GOOD

the fun bit is next
decking it out with my favourite
pretty things
pictures of my loved ones
bitsy furniture
making it a romantic and cosy

Sunday, September 2, 2012

nature's riot

every year we wait patiently for spring
heralding new life
a bit of colour injected into the landscape

the amazing range of wildflowers
that spring (pun intended) up
dazzle with their intense

the ones i like are usually
non-descript and tiny
the thrill is spotting something in amongst the show-offs

kings park is the place to be
over the next couple of months

i get boring whenever we head out there
as the fancy camera comes out and gets a good workout

everlastings are my favourite...

whats yours?

Saturday, September 1, 2012

the centre of our universe...

he is the core of our family

he is there for every
grazed knee and
wounded heart

he makes us laugh louder
and more often

the love he envelopes us in
is fierce and theres nothing like it

we are everything to him
and he, to us

love you like crazy

Happy Father's Day