Friday, September 21, 2012

i feel it in my fingers, i feel it in my toes...

i finally found a RARE photo
from when we first met
all those years ago
wasn't he handsome?


i was 21
he was a worldly (to me) 28

softly spoken
did i mention handsome?

i knew he was husband material 
about two minutes after we first met
(i don't know why it took so long)
he was washing dishes, vacuuming and reading a bedtime story
to my friend's young daughter

for him it may have been when i used to turn up in
 fluffy, cow-shaped slippers...
late at night...bearing ice cream...
offering to spare him of the agony of two-fingered keyboard poking
with my speedier typing of his uni assignments

i remember moving in together just weeks after we started dating
it never felt crazy or impulsive
there was simply no other way to be...
except together

that was sixteen years ago
 and today marks the day we sealed the deal
on 22 September 2001

since then its been a wondrous, beautiful journey
travelled together
made lovelier, livelier and louder now
with the addition of two cute and crazy little people

let the magic continue...

happy anniversary, my darling

yours forever



  1. Congrats Es and Paul. May there be many, many more years of love and laughter. We love you both. X x

    1. Thank hun, Moochas love to you all too - I want to Elastigirl so I can stretch my arms waaaaaay over there and hug you all.
