Monday, September 10, 2012


its taken us seven months
to finally get around to 
re-painting and repairing the lounge room at the front
completing its conversion into our new
master bedroom

there was much sanding::spak-filling::plastering::painting::polishing::varnishing

the dust is still settling

the top photos are the walk-in wardrobe, waiting to be fitted out.
 the maroon and yellow HAD TO GO
now its clean, crisp and waiting to be prettied up

i assembled the bed myself today too
i am not the most efficient and skilled at DIY projects
but somehow
with determination
fuelled by the imminent return of my love
who has been away visiting his family in ireland for two weeks
i did it

my hands look like those of a labourer
cuts, broken nails
roughened skin
but it feels GOOD

the fun bit is next
decking it out with my favourite
pretty things
pictures of my loved ones
bitsy furniture
making it a romantic and cosy